Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Resource Search is On

I've always been one to research extensively when I'm working on a project. Everything you could ever want or need can be found on the internet. Because I'm forever emailing other friends who teach music or piano with some new website I've found, it became evident that the best way to share the wealth on a continuing basis is to start a resource blog for piano teachers.

There are many of these blogs out there that teachers are developing new resources all the time, but as of yet I have not found a blog that highlights these teachers' blogs and links where to find. So here we are at the beginning. I will beginning making navigational links to these sites but also highlight new sites as I find them.

Today I'll begin with my current favorite, Susan Paradis. You can find her at the following two sites:, and Trust me, just check it out but make sure you have lots of time. There are incredible resources to be found.

Let me know what you think - what you'd like me to find for you - resource you need created - list your piano/voice blog - etc.

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